The Accidental Blogger

"Remember, always be yourself. Unless you suck." -- Joss Whedon

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Semi-fake post

Nothing in the least bit interesting has happened to me in the last two days, yet I am inspired to update by DeweySweet's haiku challenge. (Okay, it's a desperate effort to distract myself so that I can stop composing haiku, for the love of god -- it's addictive! -- I'm sitting at my desk at work compulsively counting on my fingers!) Since I have nothing to write about, I am forced against my will to post a link:

The Surrealist Compliment Generator

One of the very first sites I ever bookmarked, back in the far off frontier of the wild wild interweb, and I can't tell you how much it pleases me that it's still alive and kicking. Warms my stale old heart, really. Makes me feel young again every time I click it. Or at least 29 again.


  • At 7:30 AM, Blogger JGSchaeffer said…

    Your reflections bear a turgidity that rends naked glass.

  • At 11:58 AM, Blogger Lauren Bell said…

    Your intelligence is equal to the smoothness of a walnut shell.

  • At 11:59 AM, Blogger Lauren Bell said…

    Also -

    I find your eye sockets to be a wondrous amusement park of neo-plastic pleasures and oncogenic delights.


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